Living Spaces

Our company’s end of lease cleaning service includes cleaning of living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms, and common areas. We understand that these areas hold significance to our customers and therefore, we pay extra attention to detail when cleaning them. Our skilled cleaners employ top-notch equipment and eco-friendly cleaning products to ensure that all surfaces are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. We guarantee that our cleaning will meet the required criteria required to get our customers’ bond back, giving them peace of mind as they move out of their property. With our schedule flexibility options, we can accommodate our clients’ specific tidying needs and preferences. Starting at just $149, our rates is competitive.

The process of preparing your home for a Rental Inspection: A Complete Guide

A rental inspection could be an emotional time for tenants, as it often determines whether they'll get their bond back or not. It's essential to perform an efficient cleaning of the property prior to when an inspection is scheduled in order that the property owner or the real estate agent will know that the home is clean and ready for the next tenants.